Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fun for the Whole Family!

Raising $
Revolutionary Phase - The revolutionaries will obtain money from patent/copyright/brand pirating and drug/jewel/weapon/immigrant smuggling and money laundering. (This will also defund our opponent, the liberal establishment.) These revolutions will rapidly evolve into profit making ventures. The stock market is highly sensitive to political storms. Prior knowledge of the uprisings will generate considerable earnings.
Nascent Political Movement Phase - The political movements can attain funds from churches, unions, and local government.
Quasi-Independent Nation Phase - Certain businesses will provide revenue for the new states and will in consequence receive favors. The states will protect businesses from district attorneys, tax collectors, the police, regulatory agencies, and direct confiscation. The businesses can also be rewarded with contracts and licenses.

It's Just Revolting!
The U.S. government has us fettered to a foolish war in Iraq. The U.S. government demands the payment of excessive taxes. The U.S. government is enslaved by lobbyists (AIPAC, trial lawyers, heaps of big corporations). In short the U.S. government has been naughty. It must be spanked:
1. Various (more or less) aggrieved entities will purchase, through intermediaries, influence in American media: right wing and left, Spanish language and English; newspapers, tv stations, radio stations, and websites. Particular focus should be on the Southwest and cities like New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Atlanta, and New Orleans.
2. These same (more or less) aggrieved entities will assist ethnic separatists in the U.S. both financially and otherwise.
3.“Grave injustices” will occur.
4. Acting in concert, the ethnic separatists will stage uprisings. I see rebel role-models joyfully seizing symbols of oppression. In particular the ethnic separatists will stage the taking of hostages (perhaps literally on a stage or a tv studio). Hostages will be selected from among government officials, lobbyists, CEOs, and figures from the media. Spokesmen for the separatists will take the opportunity to persuade their ethnic brethren to join in the rebellion. The spokesmen will guarantee a thrilling revolutionary experience. The above mentioned purchased media will now act. The left wing media will praise the hostage-taking, the right wing media will condemn the hostage-taking (repeatedly).
Aftermath: Meanwhile back in the rump U.S. the political system will be discombobulated. The Left will be captured by the separatists. The yuppies will exit the Left - they will step to the right and transform into Republicans. As a consequence the Republicans in turn will flip over. They will become more of a libertarian party.

Ethnic Spokesmen: a Cup of Obama, a Cup of Che
The ethnic spokesmen will respond to deeply-felt needs. The spokesmen will:
  • transport their listeners with joy
  • offer practical benefits
  • work to equate ethnic patriotism with separation (without mentioning that they are doing so) “We can no longer be afraid of the white man!” “Why should the Dutch or Swiss have their own nation but not us?”
  • insist that the arrival of an earthly paradise reserved for their ethnic group is imminent “We will all respect our fellow citizens!” “We will build great monuments!”
  • amplify the distress the ethnic group is feeling
  • recruit professionals, men and women in uniform “Where is our Washington?”
  • recruit the urban lower class, students, women - a wide variety
  • promise to review the sentences of nonviolent offenders
  • employ politicians and other celebrities to assist in recruiting
  • identify the revolution as inevitable
  • demand reparations
  • focus resentment on an individual or set of individuals
  • use ridicule, irony, play-acting (The hostages could serve dinner or be put on trial. They must not induce sympathy, however.)
  • demand full independence (but later accept quasi-independence: unincorporated status or commonwealth status)
  • declare that Destiny is calling “This is our one chance to make history!”
  • conquer the moral high ground “We must honor the suffering of our ancestors!” “We must give our children hope!”
  • give every effort to avoid the impression of a rebellion half-baked.

An advertising agency will be hired to find the themes that will bear repetition.

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